In the last days, I worked on several different components on the game. Even if I still don’t know the exact szenario of this game, I am 100% sure this will be some kind of grand strategy / immersive story telling game.
This is the first screen (with bad graphics), where you can see a couple of different components working together like:
- Log system
- Event Manager
- UI
- Canvas stuff (the map)
- Multiple popups
Even if I never finish this projects (still: the most likely outcome of this), I already learned soo much about programming stuff, I never have contact with as an web developer. Stuff like problems with rich text (links, formatting, etc.) in Godot (things that are default on websites, are pretty complex in game engines, never had thought this). Also shaders… I mean: You never get in touch with shaders as an web developer, but they are so cool and important for games (or graphical stuff).
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