Clothing and backgrounds added

I added some self drawn backgrounds and added a clothing layer to the bigger avatars. Also I take advantage of the modulation of textures. In this screen, I only use one clothing style but it is varied through modulation. The color itself is predefined by me. I researched some possible common colors of celtic and germanic tribes and added them to an array. The color is randomized right now.

Further updates

In this screen, you can see, that I play around with some colors in the user interface. I also added involved characters to the event screen so you can quickly see, who’s involved and check his values before making a decision.

The event panel shows all involved characters. The portraits are clickable and lead to the character detail popup.

I also added some characters values. I seperated them to biographic stuff, characters values and skills. This is heavily inspired by pen&paper roleplaying games like “The Dark Eye” or “Dungeons & Dragons”.

I worked a lot on clothing, backgrounds, character values and stuff like that. Here is my recent progress.
The character popup shows a lot of infomrations like all the value, bio info or groups. It also shows a halfbody portrait with more details on the clothing.


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