Creating avatar layers – Part 1

Since the game is all about developing a connection and relation to your residents, I can’t just throw around with tables and numbers. They have to have a personality – and even more important – a unique look that distinguish them from other residents.

Simple vectors

I am not a super-duper great graphics guy. After all my main job is programming. But I enjoy it from time to time. Since the avatars must have a lot of different look options, I decided to go with a layer systems, where the avatar is generated on runtime instead of having a complete ready-to-go avatar image. Here are some experiments with the layers:

Here you can see some base shapes for male/female/child avatar heads.

My first try can be seen as featured image on this article. For starters, I am satisfied with these. But on the long run, I need a more “realistic”, less cartoony style.


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