Working on the supply delivery

In the last days I took a time off from my “Tribes” project since I was stumbling into a gameplay crisis. Sometimes it’s better, to take a step down for some days and revisited the project with a fresh mind. While doing so, I decided to work on the plane project again. Actually, I did it all the time, but most of the stuff was refactoring since I switched for this project from Godot 3 to Godot 4 which is quite some step at some points.

Game concept

In my last vacation, I already thought about a basic concept to handle the resources stuff. There are things like crew members, pilots of course, but also spare parts, ammunition, supplies and last – but not least – the planes.

The autoload class RessourceManager is taking care of the ressource handling
The autoload class RessourceManager is taking care of the ressource handling

I my concept, the player receives a weekly supply in the form of trucks coming to the airfield. The supplies are paid by prestige. Something like gold, but more realistic for this kind of scenario.

Some new blender prototypes

In the basic screenshot above, you can see three trucks, unloading their load before moving on.

Supply trucks are coming down the road to unload their stuff
Supply trucks are coming down the road to unload their stuff

I also worked on my Blender skills to produce some first placeholders for the game. I still suck at Blender, since I don’t find any time to do some tutorials. But yeah… it is what it is. 😀

Lol… I just have to laugh at my prototype 😀


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