Web developer tries to be a game developer
I’ve been working as a freelancer web developer since 2010. That’s quite a long run. But even longer, I am a passionate gamer. Ever since my first computer (C64) in the year 1989 it was all about games and programming. But never at the same time. While gaming is still a nice hobby, my main work is developing web applications and websites for clients all around the world.
With this blog, I am trying to document my progress in trying and failing developing a game.
If you want to read more about it, plz check out the About me page. If you want to take a glimpse at my work as webdev, please visit mozgiel.de
Countdown to presentation
Dev Blog
Writing the building system
This time I worked on a logic, how buildings and their blockers can be placed in the world.
Learning Blender
I want to prerender some unit/building graphics. So I start learning Blender with the basic tutorials I find on YouTube.
Reworking the graphics
After doing a lot of work on the combat mechanics, I got tired of looking at my mistakes with the avatar graphics. I wasn’t happy with them anymore. They didn’t look alive because they were only starring directly to the front. Since I reworked some avatars for a different game idea, I had to switch…
Creating avatars for the pilot game
Vector 2D Avatar of a german fighter pilot ih the First World War
Working on another game idea
Working on a new game concept based on planes and dogfights on the western front in the First World War.
Working on a autobattle AI
I worked on the autobattle system. This is crucial since this is a single player game. But also, the system allows to simulate battles by taking action for both parties.
Working on the battle system
The last days I mostly worked on the battle-system which is a classic turnbased combat. So far, I have a lot of features already built in but also a lot of things todo. Most of the time I spent on this task was creating a simple algorithm, that gives the enemy (or the player units…
Cleaning up messed up code & work on the battlefields system
I refactored some of the messed up code, because it was hard to maintain work on this code base… Here is my take on it.
Sickness & Injurys
I worked on a visual state of illness, so the user doesn’t have to look through the stats, to see, that something isn’t right with one of his residents. If I find the time, I could create graphics for each illness, so you can even see directly what is wrong with him/her.
Different moods visible in portrait
I added a better readable mood system for the portrait and I won’t stop here.
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