Title: Balancing Act: The Pros and Cons of Writing Many Games at Once

Introduction: Game development is a thrilling but demanding endeavor that often requires a careful balance between creativity and discipline. One question that frequently arises for hobby developers is whether to focus on a single game project or juggle multiple projects simultaneously. After all, while creating games, one gets ideas for another game or get stuck in a frustrating bug. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of writing many games at once.

Since 11 months, I am working on my first big game. But turns out it is too big for me. Don’t do big scope 4x as first game project 😀


  1. Fresh Perspective and Inspiration: One of the most significant benefits of working on multiple games simultaneously is the potential for fresh inspiration. When you switch between projects, you can escape creative ruts and come back to a project with renewed vigor and innovative ideas.
  2. Avoiding Burnout: Game development can be intense and emotionally draining. Working on different projects allows you to step away from a frustrating or stagnating project, reducing the risk of burnout. This can help maintain your overall enthusiasm for game development.
  3. Skill Diversification: Different games often require different skills, from coding and art to design and sound. By working on various projects, you have the opportunity to diversify your skill set, making you a more versatile developer.
  4. Mitigating Risk: If you’re developing games as a business or for financial gain, spreading your efforts across multiple projects can help mitigate the risk associated with a single project’s success or failure.
Isometric planes from the First World War
As a second game, I tried a management game with pilots and planes from the First World War. I stopped developing it, but I am still collecting ideas since I still like it.


  1. Time Consuming: Managing multiple game projects can be incredibly time-consuming. Each project requires attention to detail, bug fixing, and iteration. This can lead to slower progress on individual games.
  2. Lack of Focus: Focusing on multiple projects can sometimes lead to a lack of focus. You may find it challenging to concentrate on one game’s core vision, resulting in diluted experiences for players.
  3. Project Abandonment: The temptation to start new projects without finishing old ones can lead to a graveyard of abandoned games. Unfinished projects not only waste time, but can also be demotivating.
  4. Quality vs. Quantity: Juggling multiple games can sometimes prioritize quantity over quality. Rushing to meet deadlines or dividing your attention can result in games that aren’t as polished or enjoyable as they could be.
As I am interested in politics and the military, I started to develop a war game for historical conflicts.

Conclusion: The decision to work on multiple games at once is a personal one and depends on your goals, resources, and work style. While it can be tempting to explore different creative avenues and find solace in other projects when one frustrates you, it’s essential to strike a balance. Managing multiple games successfully requires strong project management skills, discipline, and a deep understanding of your creative process.

Another current projects is a metro simulation where you as an employee have to manage all coming and going passengers.

Ultimately, whether you choose to write many games at once or focus on a single project, the key is to remain adaptable. Recognize when a change in approach is needed and be willing to adjust your strategy accordingly. Finding the right balance between exploration and dedication is the path to becoming a successful and fulfilled game developer.


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