Example of a turnbased combat system in Godot.

Working on a autobattle AI

The last days I nearly quit the project, because I was so frustrated because of pathfinding bugs or wrong behaviour I couldn’t fix. Even now, after days of work, there are still things that won’t work, but at least most of the battles are running through successfully.

In the featured image above, you can see a battle in the beginning. The player units attack, while the enemy archers take position behind the melee fighting units. One enemy is already fleeing. Coward!

After some auto-battle rounds, the fight looks like this:

After some rounds, the player has taken control of the battle. The base system is oriented on turnbased games like Battle Brother.
After some rounds, the player has taken control of the battle. The base system is oriented on turnbased games like Battle Brother.

The player units have more or less won the battle. Altough they took some casulties, most of the enemies are fleeing or are already dead. You also can see some blood and missed arrows on the ground.

The next hard part will be the UI.


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